Mission: The Missing Ship
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Captain Eric Thompson
Objective:Search the coast for the missing ship
Reward:20 Combat Tokens
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Captain Eric Thompson
Nearest City:Naval Station Triton
Added:Planet Calypso 2011.3

The ship is at 39813, 61484

Mission Chain


Captain Eric Thompson:

Hello. Did you by any chance travel here by boat?


  • Yes I did.
  • No.

If you choose "Yes I did." or "No."

Did you spot any military ship along the coast?

  • I'm afraid not. Why are you asking?

When we got the orders to explore this island we where sent here divided into three teams, two of the teams made it safely but the third team went missing.


  • Sounds like a mystery, do you want me to go and look for them?
  • Not my problem, catch you later!

If you choose "Sounds like a mystery, do you want me to go and look for them?"

That would be great! If the ship capsized or atleast did not sink, it should be somewhere along the shore of this island since the water currents leads here.


  • Ok, I will explore the coast
  • Exploreing the coast will take ages, I'l pass...

If you choose "Ok, I will explore the coast"

Thank you. You should probably head south first, that was their destination.

  • Ok I will.

The ship is at 39813, 61484:

This is the ship, and it's empty. Either the crew drowned or they are alive somewhere on this island.

  • I should head back and report my findings.

On returning to Captain Eric Thompson:

Did you find the ship?

  • Yes I did. It was still intact but the crew was nowhere to be found I'm afraid.

This is still great news. They might still be alive, and now that we know where the ship is located we are able to send out a small patrol to look for them. Thank you for your help, it will not be forgotten.

  • I'm glad i could help.

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